What's new??
Nutrient Dense Food is Hard to Find!
Yes, this is becoming a stark reality when we examine the food found in grocery stores. One would think that nutrient dense food would be EVERYWHERE....I mean this is America right? Well I thought the same thing, until I started learning more about what nutrient dense food really is...
Does the Chicken come before the Egg?
I actually don't know the answer to that question. But what I can say is Chicken Season is upon us! This means chickens everywhere...cute fluffy chicks to the eggs. Yes, friends eggs have a season too. I know, I know this blew my mind when we started farming. But before we get carried away lest talk about the cycle of an egg. Grab your people for this quick science lesson.
Rendering is so easy! It's one of those skills that does not take much effort at all and the pay off if incredible. If you have every wanted to try rendering here are some steps to help you through it!
Lard is prepared from pure pastured pork fat that has been removed from the meat. The majority of lard is produced through a process known as rendering, in which the fatty parts, such as the belly, of the pig, are slowly cooked until the fat is melted. When chilled, lard solidifies into a smooth, iridescent substance that may or may not have a persisting pork flavor, depending on how it's processed.